tisdag 3 april 2012

Mer om transgender

Nu är vi hemma igen och försöker finna oss tillrätta i uppsatsskrivarlivet igen.

Om ni vill läsa mer om hela grejen med logopeder som inte vill ge behandling till transsexuella och/eller inte tycker att ASHA ska arbeta för att HBTQpersoner ska diskrimineras kan man på in på asha.org och söka på transgender. Då får man upp en massa grejer man kan läsa om frågan.

ASHA har som organisationspolicy att:

A.To actively encourage andsupport all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) audiologists (AUDs), speech­language pathologists (SLPs), students of the professions and/or related professionals in their endeavors to work and study professionally, openly and without fear of discrimination.

B.To increase sensitivity to and support of LGBTQ issues within audiology, speech­language pathology and related professions, including work environments and relationships.

C.To promote the professional role of audiologists, speech­language pathologists and related professionals in working with people with positive HIV status and patients with AIDS.

D. To provide a professional, political, and/or social platform for LGBTQ issues within the professions and within training programs.

E. To work with other organizations and agencies to achieve the above purposes.


Principle of Ethics I
Individuals shall honor their responsibility to hold paramount the welfare of persons they serve professionally or who are participants in research and scholarly activities, and they shall treat animals involved in research in a humane manner.

Rules of Ethics (Rule C)
Individuals shall not discriminate in the delivery of professional services or the conduct of research and scholarly activities on the basis of race or ethnicity, gender, gender identity/gender expression, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.

Detta fick en logoped att skriva följande:

Readers Respond
Conflict With Faith
Those of us who pay dues to ASHA have received our renewal notices. Although I've been an active member since 1978, this, unfortunately, may be my last year.

I appreciate the insert with the dues notice that illustrates in percentages where our membership dollars are spent. I have had increasing concerns regarding the multicultural constituency groups, more specifically, the L'GASP­GLBT Caucus (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Audiologists and Speech­Language Pathologists­Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender). A percentage of our dues are supporting this group. Article II of its bylaws includes Objective B, which is to increase sensitivity to and support of LGB (lesbian/gay/bisexual) issues within audiology, speech­language pathology, and related professions, including work environments and relationships. Objective III of the same article states the objective of providing a professional, political, and/or social platform for LGB issues within the professions and within training programs.

As a practicing Catholic first and a practicing speech­language pathologist second, it is in direct opposition to my faith to support the "social platform" of those engaged in a homosexual lifestyle and its promotion. Sadly for our profession, its science and integrity have become subordinate in this particular venue to what is now considered politically correct. Professionally, we are morally obliged to treat, to the best of our abilities, people who can benefit from our services despite objecting to their immoral lifestyles. Treatment, however, is not commensurate with support or promotion of that lifestyle. The moral compromise comes about when associated with an organization that does support and promote it...thus, my conflict with ASHA membership renewal.

Mary Estlack Findlay, Ohio